Signed Resolution #25-01 Meeting Dates for Borough Council
Signed Resolution #25-02 Annual Holidays
Signed Resolution #25-04 Official Newspapers
Signed Resolution #25-05 Newspapers for Legal Notices
Signed Resolution #25-06 Cash Management Plan
Signed Resolution #25-07 Check Signature Authorization
Signed Resolution #25-08 Petty Cash
Signed Resolution #25-09 Payments Outside of Meetings
Signed Resolution #25-10 Delinquent Tax Rate
Signed Resolution #25-11 Pension Certifying Officer
Signed Resolution #25-12 JIF Commissioner
Signed Resolution #25-13 CDRSA
Signed Resolution #25-15 Professional Services Contracts
Signed Resolution #25-16 Fire Board of Engineers
Signed Resolution #25-18 Internal Affairs
Signed Resolution #25-19 Police Matrons
Signed Resolution #25-20 SLEO III Officers
Signed Resolution #25-21 Risk Management Resolution
Signed Resolution #25-22 At-Will Inspectors
Signed Resolution #25-23 Municipal Housing Liasion
Signed Resolution #25-24 Dissolution of FPTV
Signed Resolution #25-25 FP Basketball
Signed Resolution #25-26 Tax Search and Search Assessment Officer
Signed Resolution #25-27 Memorial First Aid Squad
Signed Resolution #25-28 Board and Committee Appointments
Signed Resolution #25-29 Paul McGann - Administrator Director
Signed Resolution #25-30 Zuena Settlement
Signed Resolution #25-31 Budget Transfers
Signed Resolution #25-32 Temporary Budget
Signed Resolution #25-33 Executive Session
Signed Resolution #25-34 Amusement-Recreation Licenses for 2025
Signed Resolution #25-35 Reimbursement - Bozzi
Signed Resolution #25-36 Non-Fair & Open - GP Jager
Signed Resolution #25-37 Non-Fair & Open - Master Grinding Security
Signed Resolution #25-38 Non-Fair & Open - DeFalco's
Signed Resolution #25-39 Budget Transfer
Signed Resolution #25-40 Pool Fees for 2025
Signed Resolution #25-41 Camp Fees for 2025
Resolution #25-42 - PULLED/POSTPONED
Signed Resolution #25-43 Declaring Fourth Round Obligations
Signed Resolution #25-44 Interim Rec Director Tammy Verderber
Signed Resolution #25-45 Colie Promotion - Construction
Signed Resolution #25-46 Masucci Promotion - Trees
Signed Resolution #25-47 Temporary Budget
Signed Resolution #25-48 Diamond Gymnastics - Pool
Signed Resolution #25-49 New Horizons - Storage at Pool
Signed Resolution #25-50 Deputy Clerk - Saranita
Signed Resolution #25-51 Deputy Registrar - Saranita
Signed Resolution #25-52 Cancellation of Taxes - 180 Crescent
Signed Resolution #25-53 Redemption of Tax Title Lien #24000002
Signed Resolution #25-54 Non-Fair & Open - Komline-Sanderson
Signed Resolution #25-55 Refund of Sewer Overpayment
Signed Resolution #25-56 Refund of Tax Overpayments
Signed Resolution #25-57 Shared Services SLEO Agreement w FPBOE
Signed Resolution #25-58 Change in Petty Cash Custodian
Signed Resolution #25-59 Funding of Lincoln Avenue Drainage Study
Signed Resolution #25-60 Traffic Signal Timing
Signed Resolution #25-61 Temporary Budget
Signed Resolution #25-62 Executive Session
Signed Resolution #25-63 Recreation Promotion - Verderber
Signed Resolution #25-64 Fire Dept Hire - Gregorio
Signed Resolution #25-65 Refund of Sewer Overpayment
Signed Resolution #25-66 Tax Overpayment Refunds
Signed Resolution #25-67 Tax Appeal Settlement for 294 Brooklake Road
Signed Resolution #25-68 Exempt Veteran - Batista
Resolution #24-01 Meeting Dates for Borough Council
Resolution #24-02 Annual Holidays
Resolution #24-04 Newspapers for Legal Notices
Resolution #24-05 Official Newspapers
Resolution #24-06 Cash Management Bank
Resolution #24-07 Check Signature Authorization
Resolution #24-09 Payments Outside of Meetings
Resolution #24-10 Delinquent Tax Rate
Resolution #24-11 Pension Certifying Officer
Resolution #24-12 JIF Commissioner
Resolution #24-15 Professional Services Contracts
Resolution #24-16 Municipal Judge
Resolution #24-17 Fire Board of Engineers
Resolution #24-19 Internal Affairs
Resolution #24-20 Police Matrons
Resolution #24-21 SLEO III Officers
Resolution #24-22 Risk Management Resolution
Resolution #24-33 Authorize TWA Application - Del Minn Arrow Honeymoon
Resolution #24-34 Tax Overypayment Refund - Corelogic
Resolution #24-35 Budget Transfer
Resolution #24-36 Temporary Budget
Resolution #24-37 Rescinding FDU Liquor License Renewal
Resolution #24-38 Shared Services SLEO Agreement w FPBOE
Resolution #24-39 FPPD Promotion - Braico
Resolution #24-40 Municipal Pool Fees for 2024
Resolution #24-41 Meeting Dates for Borough Council - Location Revised
Resolution #24-42 Tax Collector - Visco
Resolution #24-43 Treasurer - Dykes
Resolution #24-44 Authorizing Settlement Agreement - Sisters of Charity
Resolution #24-45 Temp Budget-2-1-24
Resolution #24-46 Emergency Resolution - New Boiler
Resolution #24-47 LESO Resolution
Resolution #24-48 Social Media Intern
Resolution #24-49 Final Bond Release LCS Delaney
Resolution #24-50 Line Dancing Instructor
Resolution #24-51 Authorizing Agreement for Ridgedale Greenwood Improvements
Resolution #24-52 Sale of Property - PD
Resolution #24-53 Rescinding 24-41 Meeting Dates for Borough Council - Location Revised
Resolution #24-54 Affordable Housing
Resolution #24-55 Amending LRSH Conservation Easement
Resolution #24-56 Public Works Hire - Faith
Resolution #24-57 Corelogic Overpayment
Resolution #24-58 Redemption of Tax Title Lien
Resolution #24-59 Public Works Hire - Ratta
Resolution #24-61 Read Budget by Title
Resolution #24-62 Introduction of 2024 Budget
Resolution #24-63 Budget Self-Examination
Resolution #24-64 Group Affidavit
Resolution #24-65 IBT 469 Contract for 2022-2025
Resolution #24-66 JIF Commissioner - Amended
Resolution #24-67 Eddy Promotion
Resolution #24-68 Join NJ Edge
Resolution #24-69 Authorize GEA
Resolution #24-71 Police Unity Tour
Resolution #24-72 Award Contract for Curbing Sidewalks and Driveway
Resolution #24-73 SMCMUA Amendment
Resolution #24-74 Temporary Budget
Resolution #24-75 Adoption of 2024 Budget
Resolution #24-76 Laliker as Tax Assessor
Resolution #24-77 Ruta Increase
Resolution #24-78 Water Connection Fees
Resolution #24-79 Sewer Connection Fees
Resolution #24-82 ESI Equipment Purchase
Resolution #24-83 Grass Cutting
Resolution #24-84 Vending Machines
Resolution #24-85 Developers Agreement with 19V
Resolution #24-86 Temporary Budget
Resolution #24-87 Engineering Intern - Viola
Resolution #24-88 Appointing BOH Secretary-Registrar Ghebreal
Resolution #24-89 Seasonal Employees - Municipal Pool
Resolution #24-91 Executive Session
Resolution #24-92 DPW Hire - Lyon
Resolution #24-93 Bid Award Bar Screen Improvements
Resolution #24-95 ARP Firefighter Grant
Resolution #24-96 GovDeals - Disposal of Surplus Property
Resolution #24-97 Ch 159 Bulletproof Vest
Resolution #24-98 Recycling Tonnage Grant
Resolution #24-99 Madison Water
Resolution #24-100 Rejection of Vending Machine Bids
Resolution #24-102 Diamond Gymnastics Agreement - Pool
Resolution #24-103 - PULLED
Resolution #24-104 Ruggiero Increase
Resolution #24-105 TWA App Auth Sewer Extension - American Properties at FP LLC
Resolution #24-106 TWA App Auth Sewer Pump Station Improvements
Resolution #24-107 New Horizons Day Camp - Pool
Resolution #24-108 YMCA - Pool
Resolution #24-109 Amending Salaries - Pool Employees
Resolution #24-110 Appointing Fire Inspector - Wamp
Resolution #24-111 Release of Restoration Guarantee - VCMC 134-136 Columbia
Resolution #24-112 Salaries - Camp Employees
Resolution #24-113 Authorizing Agreement with Keystone Sports - Turf Field
Resolution #24-114 Ch 159 Opioid Settlement
Resolution #24-115 Award of Nonfair and Open Contract - M2 Associates
Resolution #24-116 Traffic Maintenance - Jen Electric
Resolution #24-117 Award for Chemical Supply - Miracle Chemical
Resolution #24-118 Lease for Ricoh
Resolution #24-119 Cancellation of Hanson Taxes
Resolution #24-120 Cancellation of Tax OPs Less than $10
Resolution #24-121 Coyne Chemical
Resolution #24-123 Modern Group Equipment
Resolution #24-124 NJ Fire Equipment
Resolution #24-127 Tax Overpayment - Corelogic
Resolution #24-128 Winner Ford
Resolution #24-129 165 Park Avenue Redevelopment Project
Resolution #24-130 Amending Resolution #24-80 PT Salaries
Resolution #24-131 ABC Renewal - American Legion
Resolution #24-132 ABC Renewal - Archer Hotel
Resolution #24-133 ABC Renewal - Brooklake
Resolution #24-134 ABC Renewal - FP Liquors
Resolution #24-135 ABC Renewal - Lucco
Resolution #24-136 ABC Renewal - Park Avenue Club
Resolution #24-137 ABC Renewal - Park Savoy
Resolution #24-138 ABC Renewal - Thirsty Turtle
Resolution #24-139 Executive Session
Resolution #24-140 ABC Renewal - FDU Coffee House
Resolution #24-141 ABC Renewal - Sonesta Hotel
Resolution #24-142 NJDOT Grant - Village Vultee Roadway Sidewalk Improvement Project
Resolution #24-145 Amending Laliker Resolution
Resolution #24-146 Amending Salaries - Camp Employees
Resolution #24-147 FPPD Brown - SLEO III.pdf
Resolution #24-148 Wind Project
Resolution #24-149 Lien Redemption 22-00002
Resolution #24-150 Ch 159 Opioid Settlement
Resolution #24-151 Water Overpayment Refunds
Resolution #24-152 Petty Cash Custodians
Resolution #24-153 Ch 159 Alcohol Ed
Resolution #24-154 Amending Cash Management Plan
Resolution #24-155 Participation in Affordable Housing Litigation
Resolution #24-156 Amending Salaries - Pool Employees
Resolution #24-157 Appraisal Services - Jon Brody
Resolution #24-158 American Properties Developers Agreement
Resolution #24-159 ABC Renewal - FDU Coffee House for 2023-2024 Term
Resolution #24-160 Modern Group Equipment
Resolution #24-161 Certification of Annual Audit
Resolution #24-162 Corrective Action for 2023 Audit
Resolution #24-163 Contract Award Sewer Extension Project - PM Construction FP24-05
Resolution #24-164 Water Emergency
Resolution #24-165 Account Clerk Hire - Biundo
Resolution #24-166 Settlement - DeMarco 15 N Ridge
Resolution #24-167 Carrigan Lane
Resolution #24-168 Cancellation of Taxes - 165 Park Avenue
Resolution #24-169 Millennium Communications Group
Resolution #24-170 Non-Fair & Open Kimley-Horn
Resolution #24-171 Ch 159 Opioid
Resolution #24-172 Ch 159 Clean Communities
Resolution #24-173 Cancellation for Disabled Vet William Frank
Resolution #24-174 Cancellation for Verizon Taxes
Resolution #24-175 Authorize Tax Overpayment Refunds
Resolution #24-176 Cancellation for Widow of Disabled Vet Hanson
Resolution #24-177 Ch 159 EMAA Grant
Resolution #24-178 County Agreement - Traffic Study Borough Center
Resolution #24-179 Bright View Engineering
Resolution #24-180 Donation of Vehicle
Resolution #24-181 PFAS Settlement Aqueous Film
Resolution #24-182 Tax Appeal - Block 1201 Lot 5
Resolution #24-183 Tax Appeal - Block 302 Lot 4
Resolution #24-184 Tax Appeal - Block 302 Lot 5
Resolution #24-185 Tax Appeal - Block 302 Lot 2
Resolution #24-186 Tax Appeal - Block 302 Lot 1
Resolution #24-187 Tax Appeal - Block 301 Lot 10
Resolution #24-188 PT Deputy Court Admin - Moody
Resolution #24-189 Deer Management Program
Resolution #24-190 DPW Salary Increase - Balloch
Resolution #24-191 Final Bond Release Pulte
Resolution #24-192 Policy for Exempt Vets
Resolution #24-194 Millennium Group
Resolution #24-195 SHI International
Resolution #24-196 Authorizing Tax Overpayment Refund
Resolution #24-197 Basketball Site Supervisors
Resolution #24-198 Ski Club Coordinator
Resolution #24-199 Cheerleading Supervisor
Resolution #24-200 Execution of Access Permit Application - Park Ave
Resolution #24-201 Contract Award FP24-06 for Delaware Minnisink Honeymoon Arrowhead
Resolution #24-202 Non-Fair & Open Award Contract - On the Fly
Resolution #24-203 Budget Transfer
Resolution #24-204 Animal Control Services Contract
Resolution #24-205 Acting Rec Director Tammy Verderber
Resolution #24-207 Non-Fair & Open - Ron Jon
Resolution #24-208 Emergency Manhole on Columbia
Resolution #24-209 Cancellation of Taxes Under $10.00
Resolution #24-211 Budget Transfer
Resolution #24-212 Rejection of Bids for Vehicle Storage
Resolution #24-213 Professional Services - Katherine Sarmad for Planning
Resolution #24-214 Accept Subgrant Award FY 2024 Emergency Management Performance Grant
Resolution #24-215 Limo License Renewal - 2025
Resolution #24-216 Registrar-BOH Secretary - Gaeta
Resolution #24-217 Ch 159 DDEF Grant
Resolution #24-218 Cancellation of Ord. 19-11 - Sewer Utility Capital Projects
Resolution #24-219 Cancellation of Ord. 21-10 - Sewer Utility Capital Projects
Resolution #24-220 Tax Overpayment - Corelogic
Resolution #24-221 Cancellation of Utility Payments Under $10.00
Resolution #24-222 Non-Fair & Open - The Aqua Doctor
Resolution #24-223 Budget Transfer
Resolution #24-224 Refund Tax Overpayment - Vanderbilt
Resolution #24-225 Gold Type Bus. Machines
Resolution #24-226 Municipal Relief Fund
Resolution #24-227 Amusement Devices - Waterfront
Resolution #24-228 Deputy Registrar - Danielle Lewis
Resolution #24-229 Change Orders for Contract FP23-02 Generator Project
Resolution #24-230 Kayla Kaplan - Project Engineer
Resolution #24-231 Keystone Sports - Turf Field
Resolution #24-232 Refund of Tax Overpayment
Signed Resolution #23-01 Borough Council Meeting Dates.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-02 Borough Holidays.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-03 OPMA.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-04 Newspapers for Notices.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-05 Official Newspapers.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-06 Establish Fees - Cash Management Plan.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-07 Signatures for Checks.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-08 Petty Cash.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-09 Payments Outside of Meetings.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-10 Budget Transfers.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-11 Deliquent Tax Interest Rate.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-12 Tax Cancellation - 3 Vanderbilt Unit 405.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-13 Tax Cancellation - 97 Hillside.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-14 Pension Certifying Officer and Supervisor.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-15 JIF Commissioner and Alternate.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-16 CDRS.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-17 PACO.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-18 Professional Services.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-19 Deputy OEM Coordinators.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-20 Internal Affairs Officers.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-21 Police Matrons.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-22 Class III SLEO Officers.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-23 Risk Management Consultant.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-24 At-Will Inspectors.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-25 Temporary Budget.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-26 First Aid Squad.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-27 Bundschuh Promotion.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-28 Pietropinto Promotion.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-29 Primamore Dispatcher.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-30 LESO Program.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-31 Sgaramella Stipend.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-32 Award to Action Data Services.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-33 Cancellation of Unexpended Balance.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-35 Executive Session.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-36 Basketball Site Supervisor - Katie Hunt.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-37 MOA with PBA Local 78.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-38 Amending Council Meeting Dates.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-39 Whippany River Flood Mitigation Task Force.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-40 2023 Pool Fees.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-41 2023 Camp Fees.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-42 SLEO III Shared Services Agreement.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-43 Redemption Tax Title Lien #22-00009.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-44 Redemption Tax Title Lien #22-00003.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-45 Tax Overpayment Refund.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-46 Tax Overpayment Refund.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-47 Tax Overpayment Refund.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-48 Electrical Inspector - Dominick Turano.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-49 Refund of Tax Overpayment.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-50 Neilan Promotion.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-51 Ciasullo Promotion.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-52 Hedden Hire.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-53 Budget by Title.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-54 Intro Budget.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-55 EEOC.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-56 Affordability Assistance Program.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-57 Redemption of Tax Title Lien.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-58 Pool Manager - Epstein.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-59 Second Lease Amendment with Florham Pistol.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-60 Liquid Sludge Hauling Contract.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-61 FP Liquors Transfer.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-62 Affordability Assistance Program - 4A Mc Nerney.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-63 HLEO - DeCoursey.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-64 Unity Tour.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-65 Subgrant EMPG EMAA.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-66 Award of Contract - D'Onofrio _ Son, Inc.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-67 Bergen County United Way - Madeline Housing.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-68 Area in Need of Redevelopment - 165 Park Avenue.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-69 Budget Adoption.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-70 Distracted Driving Proclamation.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-71 Generator Improvements Contract #FP23-02.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-72 Partial Bond Release LCS Delaney.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-73 PT Salaries.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-74 FT Salaries.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-75 Accounts Clerk - Jodi Barroso.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-76 Down Payment - 3B McNerney Lane.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-77 Award Consulting Services Contract - CGP_H.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-78 Authorizing Disposal of Surplus Property.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-79 Down Payment - 20B Dirlam Drive.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-80 Social Media Coordinator.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-81 Public Works Hire - Daniel Ruggiero.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-82 Salaries for Non-Union Full-Time Employees - Amended.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-83 Rescheduling June Meeting.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-84 Down Payment - 20A Dirlam Drive.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-85 PT IT Position - D'Ambola.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-86 Establishing 2023 Wages - Pool Employees.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-87 Establishing 2023 Wages - Camp Employees.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-88 Summer Intern - Engineering.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-89 Down Payment - 19B Dirlam Drive.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-90 Down Payment - 4C McNerney Lane.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-91 Tax Overpayment Refund.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-92 Distracted Driving Grant.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-93 EMAA Grant.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-94 NJDEP Storm Water Grant.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-95 Service Charges - Sewer.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-96 Service Charges - Water.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-97 Award of Contract to Dell-Tech for LRSH Interior Restoration.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-98 Amending 23-06 Cash Management Plan.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-99 Rescinding Res #23-75 Account Clerk Jodi Barroso.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-100 Account Clerk - Iannelli.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-101 Public Works Summer Help - 3 Employees.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-102 Public Works Hire - Sweetman.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-103 FPPD - Murphy to Per Diem Dispatcher.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-104 FPPD - Primamore to FT Dispatcher.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-105 Additional Pool Employees.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-106 Lien Redemption 22-00006.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-107 Contract Award - Beechwood Elmwood to Arold Construction.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-108 Contract Award - Dellwood Etc to Riverview Paving.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-109 Submission of NJDOT Grant Application for Fernwood Road.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-110 ABC Renewal - American Legion.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-111 ABC Renewal - Archer Hotel.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-112 ABC Renewal - Brooklake.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-113 ABC Renewal - Fairleigh Dickinson.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-114 ABC Renewal - Florham Park Liquors.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-115 ABC Renewal - Lucco.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-116 ABC Renewal - Park Avenue Club.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-117 ABC Renewal - Park Savoy.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-118 ABC Renewal - Thirsty Turtle.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-119 Amending Res #23-77 CGP_H Consulting Services.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-120 Clean Communities Grant.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-121 Ch 159 Alcohol Ed Rehab Fund.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-122 Award Contract for Sewer Jet Truck - Peirce Eagle Equipment.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-123 Amending Res #23-87 Camp Employees to Replace Head Counselor.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-124 Amending Res #23-88 Summer Intern - Engineering.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-125 ABC Renewal - Sonesta.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-126 Grant Application for Sidewalk Improvement Project - Village _ Vultee.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-127 Additional Pool Employees.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-128 Appointing DPW Employee - Callaghan.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-129 2023 Down Payment Assistance - 4B McNerney.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-130 Cell Tower Lease.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-131 Appointing PT Building Inspector - Fitzsimons.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-132 Appointing PT Fire Sub Code Official - Grilletti.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-133 Fireworks for National Night Out.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-134 Budget Self-Examination.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-135 LRSH Grant.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-137 JIF Renewal.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-138 FPPD - Otto to Per Diem Dispatcher.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-139 Assistant to Zoning Official - Marjorie Lowe.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-140 Additional Employee for Pool.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-141 DWI Special Court Session.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-142 Tax Overpayment - Water.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-143 Tax Overpayment - Sewer.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-144 Tax Overpayment - Corelogic.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-145 NJDEP Grant Agreement - Spring Garden Lake.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-146 Emergency Reso for Pool Utility.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-148 2022 Corrective Action Plan.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-149 Certification of Annual Audit.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-150 Down Payment Assistance - 19A Dirlam.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-151 PD Application Fee.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-152 Amend Dev Agreement with LCS Delaney.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-153 Tax Overpayment - Lereta.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-154 Tax Overpayment - Spinelli.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-155 Cancellation of Taxes - Hadley.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-156 Deer Management Program.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-157 Amended PUD Agreement - 165 Park Avenue.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-158 Tax Overpayment - Scavetta.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-159 Reduce Taxes - Parc North.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-160 Personnel Manual.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-161 Basketball Site Supervisors.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-162 Ski Club Coordinator.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-163 Risk Management Consultant.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-164 Cancellation of Ord 18-16.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-165 Cancellation of Ord 17-9.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-166 Cancellation of Ord 19-13.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-167 Animal Control Services.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-168 MCMUA Agreement.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-169 Cancellation of Ord 16-10 State Grant.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-170 Cancellation of Ord 17-9 State Grant.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-171 Cancellation of Ord 19-13 State Grant.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-172 Competitive Contracting - Health Insurance.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-173 Court Administrator - Brando.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-174 Emergency Management Coordinator - Bundschuh.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-175 Tax Overpayment - Parc North.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-176 Emergency Resolution - Columbia Turnpike Sewer Main Break.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-177 Budget Transfer.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-178 Support of SB3739 Delaying 4th Round of Affordable Housing.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-179 Limo License Renewal - 2024.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-180 Crossing Guards - Guarino and Sodano.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-181 Magarelli to FT Dispatcher.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-182 Endorsing RevolutionNJ.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-183 Tax Overpayment - Corelogic.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-184 Accept Subgrant Award FY 2023 Emergency Management Performance Grant.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-185 Contract Award Stump Cutter - Morbark.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-186 Budget Transfer.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-187 Change Order - Well Maintenance Project.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-188 Grant Application - Fire Department.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-189 Cancellation of 3rd Quarter Water Charges - Mann Avenue.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-190 Cancellation of Water Charges - 25 Pinch Brook Drive.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-191 Christmas Holiday.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-192 Authorizing Execution of Contribution Agreement.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-193 Chris Hire FPPD.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-194 Otto Hire FPPD.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-195 Amusement Licenses for 2024.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-196 Cheerleading Supervisor.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-197 Sidewalk Cafe Licenses for 2024.pdf
Signed Resolution #23-198 First Aid Squad.pdf