295 Columbia Turnpike
Open Saturdays, 8am – 12 noon
For the convenience of Florham Park residents, the municipal Environmental Center provides recycling, composting and solid waste disposal solutions. There is no fee to use the facility; however, proof of residency must be provided in the form of a current utility bill or driver’s license. The Center is closed on holidays and during inclement weather, and may close periodically for site maintenance.
Environmental Center Guide
2025 Household Hazardous Waste Drop-Off Events
RECYCLING AND COMPOSTING AREA: The following items are accepted:
COMPACTOR AREA: The Compactor is available for residents to dispose of bulky waste. Metal should be separated out and set across the driveway from the compactor. All other items may be placed directly into the compactor, or into one of the large receptacles if available.
A compactor card is required to use the bulky waste compactor. You can obtain a card at the Community Center Monday thru Friday, 9am until 4:30pm. Cards are issued one per household. Anyone in the household can use the card with proof of residency. Each residence will have six visits per calendar year for use of the compactor.
PROHIBITED ITEMS: The following items are not accepted at the Environmental Center:
PROHIBITED VEHICLES: The following vehicles are not permitted at the Environmental Center:
Request for Access:
Single day access for commercial vehicles, rental trucks or trailers will be considered by applying for a Request for Access from the DPW Director. To apply for a Request for Access, please call 973-410-5330 at least 24 hours in advance of your Environmental Center visit. You must provide the vehicle type and plate number, as well as a list of items to be transported. You must present proof of Florham Park residency and the Request for Access form, signed by the DPW Director, to the attendant at the Environmental Center on the day of your visit. The address on proof of Florham Park residency must match the Request for Access and will be checked on site. Each permit is for one Saturday only. Permission for future access must be requested again.
** The Borough of Florham Park reserves the right to refuse ANY VEHICLE at ANY TIME at their discretion **
Clothing/Textile Collection bins now located at the Environmental Center.
Collection Bins: HELPSY – What We Accept Flyer