Police Home Page Message

Notice to Residents: August 28, 2024


I am writing to you this evening due to several complaints the Borough and the Police Department have received regarding violations of the outdoor watering ban, which went into effect on August 15th and extends through September 15th. 

The verbiage of the initial posting, from the Borough, regarding the outdoor water ban can be seen below:

At the Council Meeting on August 15, 2024, the Borough Council enacted an Emergency Outdoor Water Ban effective immediately through Resolution #24-164. The Ban will run from August 15, 2024 through September 15, 2024, and impacts all residents who use water supplied by the Florham Park Water Utility. Residents served by SMCMUA or NJ American are not included in the ban.

The Ban extends to all outdoor water use, including but not limited to, the filling of pools, watering of lawns and plants, and the washing of cars. Sprinkler systems must be shut off until September 15, 2024.

The Outdoor Water Use Ban will be enforced by the Zoning Enforcement Officer and/or the Florham Park Police Department. Warnings will be issued until August 25, 2024. On August 26, 2024, all enforcement officials will issue fines for each day in which a violation occurs. The fine for the first violation shall be for $250. The second violation shall result in a fine of $500. Each subsequent violation shall increase by $250 until a maximum per violation fine of $2000 is reached.

The Borough appreciates the immediate and complete cooperation of all residents in preservation of our resources.

Due to continued violations of this ban and the complaints received by both the Borough and the Police Department, the responsibility for enforcing this ban has been placed upon the Police Department.  I understand the initial notification indicated no warnings will be issued after August 25th, however, now that the Police Department has been tasked with enforcing this ban there will be a system put in place to track violations and issue summonses when and if necessary.  Beginning at the time of this posting our officers will issue warnings for violations of the watering ban by placing a warning notification in the mailbox of residents or by making contact with a business that is in violation.  The warning will be documented in our Computer Aided Dispatch system, which enables a search function to determine if a violation is an initial violation or a subsequent violation.  If there are subsequent violations at the same residential address or business, a summons will be issued.

There are exemptions to the watering ban that have been provided to residents for various reasons.  The Police Department does not decide upon exemption requests and does not authorize exemptions, those decisions are made by the Borough.  Furthermore, several areas within the Borough do not receive their water from the Borough of Florham Park and are also exempt from the ban.  Park Avenue, Passaic Avenue and the two golf courses do not receive their water from the Borough of Florham Park and therefore are exempt from the ban.  

If your water is received from the Borough of Florham Park the ban applies to your residence or business.

I am asking residents and businesses to please assist our agency, by adhering to this ban, and prevent our officers from having to take enforcement action in this matter.

Thank you,

Joseph Orlando
Chief of Police
August 28, 2024

Notice to Residents: August 14, 2024 - National Night Out Rescheduled!


National Night Out has been reschedule to Tuesday, September 3rd - same location, same time!  See flyer below:

Notice to Residents: August 5, 2024


National Night Out has been POSTPONED this year due to tomorrow's weather forecast.  We will notify you when the rescheduled date has been chosen.

Joseph Orlando
Chief of Police
August 5, 2024

Notice to Residents: August 1, 2024


In light of the fatal pedestrian accident, in early July, our department has been exploring several initiatives to aide in pedestrian/cyclist safety as part of our overall mission of communal safety.  As our community continues to grow, the number of pedestrians and cyclists on our roadways continues to increase as well.  The residential complex constructed at the corner of Columbia Turnpike and Hanover Road will undoubtedly increase the number of pedestrians walking throughout our center district, along with increased vehicular volumes.  In an effort to reduce the risks of pedestrian/cyclist encounters with motor vehicle traffic we have been working with the Engineering Department to adjust the timing of our traffic signals to allow for intervals of pedestrian traffic only.  Therefore, when a pedestrian activates the crosswalk button, all traffic signals at the intersection would eventually turn red allowing for free flowing pedestrian traffic without the risk of flowing vehicular traffic.  We suggested the timing on all of our traffic signals along Ridgedale Avenue, as well as those along Columbia Turnpike, from Crescent Road to Park Street, be adjusted in this manner.   Each of those traffic signals are regulated by the County of Morris, which requires permission to adjust the timing of the same.  We have begun the inquiry process and may be required to conduct traffic studies to accomplish our goals.  I am asking residents to assist us in our endeavor by contacting the Morris County Engineering Department and voicing any concerns you may have for pedestrians along these roadways.  The Morris County Engineering Department can be contacted at the following;

Juvenile bicyclists have been another concern for our department.  Increased utilization of electric bicycles and scooters has led to a confused motoring public and amplified public concern.  The State of New Jersey added new vehicle classes to the NJ Statutes in May of 2019 which addressed electric bicycles and scooters, classifying them in the following categories;

  • Class 1 Low Speed Electric Bicycles – these bicycles are equipped with a motor which provides propulsion assistance only during pedaling and has a 20mph maximum speed.
  • Class 2 Low Speed Electric Bicycles – these bicycles are equipped with motors which may provide propulsion exclusively via a throttle system.  This class of bicycle’s motor ceases to assist propulsion at 20mph. 
    • Class 1 and Class 2 Bicycles are subject to the same rules as traditional bicycles.
      • They may ride on bicycle paths unless prohibited by local ordinance.
      • Riders under the age of 17 must wear a helmet.
      • Must be equipped with bells that can be heard for 100 feet.
      • Bicyclists must keep to the right side of the road and ride in single file to allow for the safe passage and flow of vehicular traffic.
      • Front lights (white), rear light (red) that can be seen for a distance of 500 feet.
      • Must be equipped with brakes.
  • Class 3 Low Speed Electric Bicycles (Otherwise known as Motorized Bicycles)
    • This class of bicycle is basically a Moped, is not subject to the same rules as traditional bicycles, and must adhere to following;
      • Minimum 15-year age requirement to operate.
      • Helmets are required.
      • Operators must possess an operator’s license, registration and insurance.
  • Low-Speed Electric Scooters – Scooters equipped with an electric motor propelling the scooter at a maximum speed of 19mph.
  • E-Scooters are not subject to licensing, registration or insurance requirements.
  • Riders must follow the laws of traditional bicycles
  • Operation on sidewalks, trails and paths are dependent upon local ordinance.
  • Helmets must be worn if under the age of 17.

Some of the obvious issues we have encountered with bicycles and scooters of all varieties are failure to wear the required helmets, failure to ride on the right side of the road, failure to ride in single file for the free flow of vehicular traffic, and failure to utilize the required crosswalks.

To combat these issues our School Resource Officers teach bicycle safety during the school year, however a more robust effort on our part is being undertaken at this time.

  • Our SROs are conducting a bicycle safety course at the Florham Park Day Camp. 
  • All personnel have been instructed to stop bicycle/scooter riders, under the age of 17, who are not wearing helmets and advise them of the law, as well as to make contact with the juvenile’s parent/guardian to inform them of the contact with their child.
  • All personnel have been instructed to address violations of the bicycle/scooter laws in regards to operating in accordance with the laws;
  • Riding on the right side of the street, in single file and utilizing the proper crosswalks.
  • Officers assigned to the center district are monitoring crosswalks, as well as approaching juveniles whose bicycles are parked outside of stores and reminding them to adhere to all safety measures including wearing their helmets.
  • Increased enforcement initiatives for vehicular traffic, to include speeding, stop sign violations and No Turn on Red violations, will be undertaken throughout the summer months and the beginning of the new school year.

I want to be clear that while we are addressing violations of these bicycle/scooter laws, we will not be issuing summonses to juveniles.  However, we will be contacting parents/guardians to advise them of the violations and to seek their assistance in maintaining a safe environment for their children and all other vehicular/pedestrian traffic.  This is an education and safety campaign aimed at increasing communal safety for all of our residents and visitors.

Parents/Guardians please assist our department and our officers with this endeavor by ensuring your children wear their helmets and follow the rules described in this public service announcement.

Stay safe!

Joseph Orlando
Chief of Police
August 1, 2024

Notice to Residents: July 29, 2024

Residents, don't be alarmed - be advised that JCP&L will be conducting routine patrols of their transmission lines starting on August 5th. All lines to be flown are within JCP&L service territory. These patrols will be performed by their contractor, GeoDigital and are expected to be completed around September 15th, 2024. Inclement weather or any line outage patrols may prolong completion. The helicopter being used for these patrols is a Helo Air Bell Jet Ranger 206B, blue and white in color, tail number N894HA. A routine patrol is flown at about 30-35 mph and 400’ above the transmission line(s) and structure. The pilot will be in communication with any local airports when in their airspace.

Joseph Orlando
Chief of Police
July 29, 2024

Notice to Residents: July 17, 2024


During the early morning hours of Friday, July 12th, a rotted utility pole, located along Briarwood Road, across from Forest Drive snapped in half.  The damage from the pole resulted in the closure of Briarwood Road between Tucker Street and Lloyd Avenue. 

Patrol responded to the area and secured the scene, established a detour and remained in the area until JCP&L reattached the power lines to a newly erected pole.  Optimum was contacted to repair their wires which were still blocking access to Forest Drive, from Briarwood Road, as well various driveways along Forest Drive.  The Police Dispatch desk contacted Optimum and advised them of the situation.  Patrols then cleared the scene after opening Briarwood Road for vehicular traffic.  Traffic cones and police tape were utilized to close access to Forest Drive until Optimum responded to make repairs, with no estimated time of arrival (ETA) provided by Optimum.

Over the course of the weekend, Police Dispatch made several more attempts to contact, report, and obtain an ETA for repairs with no information provided.  Tuesday morning, July 16th, an Optimum van was spotted on Briarwood Road and several Police personnel stopped during the course of the morning to get updates and ensure repairs were going to be made.  We learned the Optimum call center never reported the road closures to the repair crews therefore Florham Park was not determined to be a priority.  Luckily we were able to advise the Optimum employee of the importance of the repair who coordinated the same.

The amount of time it took and lack of response from Optimum was unacceptable.  The Florham Park Police Department Office of Emergency Management contacted the NJ Board of Public Utilities and filed an online complaint regarding this incident.

We encourage all residents adversely impacted by this incident to do the same at the link below.  If you are unable to access the link online, you can call at 800-624-0331; be sure to include the utility pole number (BT593FPB).


During future incidents please contact the utility company directly for any outages encountered.  The utility companies prioritize their response by the number of residents impacted.  Even if you know someone else in your neighborhood already made a notification, it’s imperative that you make the same notification so the utility company is aware of the entirety of those residents impacted.  The Police Department should be contacted for any wires and/or poles blocking the roadways or sidewalks.

Joseph Orlando
Chief of Police
OEM Deputy Coordinator
July 17, 2024

General Information
Phone Numbers
Fax: 973-377-9118
Emergencies: Dial 911
111 Ridgedale Avenue
Florham Park,

Joseph J. Orlando
Chief of Police
