Emergency Water Ban On All Outdoor Use

At the Council Meeting on August 15, 2024, the Borough Council enacted an Emergency Outdoor Water Ban effective immediately through Resolution #24-164. The Ban will run from August 15, 2024 through September 15, 2024, and impacts all residents who use water supplied by the Florham Park Water Utility. Residents served by SMCMUA or NJ American are not included in the ban.

The Ban extends to all outdoor water use, including but not limited to, the filling of pools, watering of lawns and plants, and the washing of cars. Sprinkler systems must be shut off until September 15, 2024.

The Outdoor Water Use Ban will be enforced by the Zoning Enforcement Officer and/or the Florham Park Police Department. Warnings will be issued until August 25, 2024. On August 26, 2024, all enforcement officials will issue fines for each day in which a violation occurs. The fine for the first violation shall be for $250. The second violation shall result in a fine of $500. Each subsequent violation shall increase by $250 until a maximum per violation fine of $2000 is reached.

The Borough appreciates the immediate and complete cooperation of all residents in preservation of our resources.

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